CRank: 5Score: 36470

But I don`t see it touching gears of war 2 or killzone 2 in terms of graphic ability! Not saying that the gameplay isn`t gonna rock! And don`t come on here attacking me either! I`m a gamer first! I`ll have this as well as killzone 2 which I can`t wait to play!! But the other day, there was a story on here saying that this game is gonna kill gears of war 2 and that it has better looks than gears also. Well judging from these shots, that`s simply not the case! Killzone 2 and Gears of war 2 will...

6053d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

PLEASE! Gears 2 will own Resistance 2! Now Gears 2 vs. Killzone 2 is a different story! Let`s see what happens with that!

6054d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It`s funny how you little boys are trying to turn this into a flame war with xbox owners. This has nothing to do with gaming in general. If you wanna flame, go over to the other side for that! I`m glad that one side won! Now I can buy a format and not worry about it dying like others have! I have lost like this before with Sega!!! I`ve been on the fence for a long time and was about to buy a combo drive but didn`t want to waste the extra money on one. What`s funny is, Microsoft will adapt to ...

6060d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

This really sucks! I miss 2K football!

6067d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why would they further their costs by adding a 120GB HD? The Ps3 one ups the 360 in this department by the user being able to upgrade to a Hard drive size of their choice! You can also get the Hard drive for cheaper than they would charge for it anyways! Just go to newegg. I'll be getting my Ps3 this march anyways be it 80 or 120 GB! Can anyone say Tekken 6 for the win! dead or alive who LOL!

6079d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I`m 34 and I will never ever put my games down are you crazy!!! We`re the ones who`s buying the games anyways! If we didn`t buy them for ourselves, xbox 360 would be at 3 million sold world wide right now!

6081d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Also, we shouldn`t be paying $60 US for games anyways! Next thing we know, we`ll be paying $70 US for the next xbox and Ps4! This has to stop already! Oh Yeah, they have had more than enough time to get familiar with the hardware so we should be paying $50 US by now right guys?!

6081d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I no longer have to come here and see name callin' and the sort! Beautiful Dusty!!! Thanks!

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except that the 360 version is a little bit sharper! Nothing to make a rant about!

6086d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

More like pushed back LOL! It`s been in development since 05'! It should have been out a long time ago but due to the ps3`s hard to dev for azz system, it`s taking longer! Gears has came and gone and it`s still not out yet! Watch, it`ll be released along side Gears Of War 2!!!

6089d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Had Microsoft Shipped the Xbox 360 with the HD-DVD built in from the beginning, There would be no talk of Blu-Ray Right Now! Anyways, I could care less who wins! As long as I can have a HD format to watch movies on! I`m tired of this format war anyways! I`m not buying one until the the proven format wins!!! If Blu-Ray wasn`t included in the Ps3, it wouldn`t be winning right now either! Points to Sony for using it as a trojan horse like they did with DVD with the Ps2! That`s how they killed th...

6104d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You`re gonna need a memory card if you wanna keep your game saves! You can also just move your profile to the memory card also for easy transfering. If not, you`ll have to do a profile recovery and it will download your profile to the new 360 and all of the arcade games you paid for and your gamerscore will download as well. Been trading in my 360 elite at Target 3 times already trying to get the Falcon! Now that the old stock is sold, I`ll finally be able to get one! My receipt expires on 2/...

6122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Boycott until Infinity Ward does it!

6138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You have the SHARP AQUOS! Don`t let anyone fool you with all the SONY XBR and Samsung crap! SHARP is better!!! If you do experience some banding, RETURN IT FOR ANOTHER!

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

NFL 2K5!!! I was soooo happy to be able to play it last nite! The best Football game of all time! Now, I have to just do some accurate trades and check the stats of the new players on madden, then create them and with the accurate stats and it`s goodbye to my Madden 2008! Now, I want my Def Jam fight for NY to be added and I`m a happy camper LOL!

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a very, very good response! If I didn`t already own my Elite, I would have to go for the premium 360 with cod4 and forza bundle!

6196d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment


6231d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That`s gonna own all! I to was a tiny bit worried about the graphics and all but I knew that Bungie would pull thru! The game looks beautiful! Gears of war doesn`t have all of those colors!

6240d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If we could just pay for the beta! 800 ms points would have been just fine! At least you would be in for sure!

6242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubble from me also

6242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment